Solar Installations
Solar PV stations up to 5 MW

In August 2017, the “Energy Efficient” loan program was launched for non-gasified communities within the Republic of Armenia in cooperation between the public-private sectors and financial institutions. The beneficiaries of this project include 38,242 families inhabiting 282 non-gasified communities who are expected to have the opportunity to take advantage of special financial tools and consume energy more efficiently. As of February, 2019, the projecthas been implemented in 126 communities, with 2083 Solar Water Heaters and 71 PV systems installed.
The Project results are apparent: as of 1 July 2019, 1145 autonomous energy producers are connected to the Energy Network of Armenia, with about 17 MW capacity. 88 with 2.43 MW total capacity are in the process of connecting.
As of December 1, 2018, there are 1654 Solar Water Heaters installed in non-gasified communities.